Not Law, Not Legalism, But Lord

Something in our self-righteous flesh convinces us that salvation is earned by good conduct, or by observing religious practices like keeping ‘holy days’ or other rituals. Grace and human effort do not provide forgiveness of sin. Salvation is not the result of the law...

What Grace Teaches Us

Jesus, by the grace of God, has tasted death for every man. Jesus Christ, Grace Incarnate, has shed His blood of redemption for us, according to the riches of His grace. Our salvation rests solely upon the grace and purpose of God. Because of God’s grace and by...

Amazing Grace… Encore!

God is truly and independently awesome! The fact (not feeling) that we are accepted in the Beloved is to the praise of the glory of His grace. Salvation is nothing other than the riches of Abba’s heart of grace. This undeserved favor will be demonstrated to us...

Amazing Grace

The grace of God and the Person of Jesus Christ are one and the same. When we were born again it was not a reward for good behavior. It was a free gift bestowed upon us through the Lord Jesus Christ. This sweet message of grace is not for one second to be interpreted...

The Sweet Tree Of Jesus

What can the Christian do when all around him or her there is nothing but bitterness and unpleasantness? Is there not for the believer a source of strength to sweeten our seasonal woes? Of course there is! We find our complete remedy in Jesus Christ. There certainly...