And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you but [reverently] to fear the Lord your God, [that is] to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being, (Deuteronomy 10:12 AMP)

Life can be pretty complicated,can’t it? Going here, doing this or that. Meeting this deadline or demands at work. Or being a young mother with what appears to be 5 million children (slight exaggeration) urging at you for food or help. As a pastor, there are so many needs and areas of oversight that need constant attention. In spite of all of our modern technology and appliances that are supposed to make life easier, life is more complex than ever. How then shall we live? is our thought this morning.

Simply put, life is all about serving our glorious God. The goal today is that we please Him in all that we do. That means that whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do,we should do it for the glory of God. Truth be told dear ones, that is easier said than done. Thus, I realize my constant need for a fresh supply of God’s grace and strength. Many times there is a “disconnect” between my heart, mind and feet. I delight in the things of God in the inner man, but my corrupt flesh and distracted mind fight me tooth and nail. So in theory, I want to please The Lord in everything, but in reality, I’m engaged in an almost hourly battle with demands, deadlines and decisions that zap me of nearly any or all motivation to do anything at all, let alone everything for the glory of God!

Solution? God knows all of this. He knows our frame that we are dust. So does that mean that He forgets how He has required us to live according to the Scriptures? Absolutely not. He designed it that way. He created us to need Him and depend upon Him. It means that we must daily and hourly and moment by moment be going to Him for the strength and grace to live for Him and His glory. Living for self or people will burn you out. As we look to Him throughout the day, His strength and grace will enable us to do all that needs to be done in His time. Lord Father, place that reverence for You I our hearts today. Grant us the grace and strength that we need to serve you faithfully, for without the strength of Jesus, we can do nothing. May Your strength be made perfect in our weakness, in Jesus good Name we pray, Amen.