When we embark on a new year, we all have tendencies to make some proverbial “New Year’s resolutions”. How is that going for you? It occurred to me as I pondered writing this post that for the child of God there is essentially one resolution to make. That, my friend, is to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”.

The prophet Amos writes in Chapter 5 the repeated exhortation to seek the Lord and live. Oh, how simple is this exhortation, but how difficult I tend to make it! The psalmist David declared that his life was all consumed with one thing, seeking the Lord. The apostle Paul considered his entire life before knowing Christ as dung. He, too, was consumed with the desire to know Jesus better.

If we desire a richer walk in the Spirit, it is imperative that our priorities center on drawing nearer to God, who is the “rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Jesus Himself declared that His life’s all-consuming purpose was fulfilling His Father’s will. Therefore, to determine God’s will for your life should be top priority as well. With each new year there also seems to be a feeling of making a fresh new start. This reminds me of God’s Word that declares the new start He allows us to have each morning.

As a local church, it is vitally important that we are individually and collectively seeking the Lord Jesus. Perhaps this year is the time for you to step out in faith and really get involved. Have you ever asked Jesus what He’s got in store for you at church? A church is like an orchestra in some ways. It is imperative that we all keep our eyes on our conductor, Jesus, and play in harmony with Him rather than do our own thing.

Do yourself a favor this year and put Jesus first. Determine to read the Bible through at least once. Daily have those “mini-retreats” with Him. Pray, oh “pray without ceasing” for a richer walk, for your family, for your church (& especially for your pastor!), and for the unsaved.

After all, Scripture assures us that “the Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him”.