July 29, 2024

Judgments described in the book of Revelation are not hard to understand, if taken literally, they are just hard to believe, because they are so scary and ominous. However, if the words earth, trees, and grass do not literally mean earth, trees, and grass, then we...

August 14, 2024

In our passage today, we see elders worshiping and praising God. These elders praise God as if He has already done things that have yet to be completed in our earthly dimension. Do you worship God as if He has already completed the things that you have asked Him to...

July 26, 2024

When Jesus will open the seventh seal of judgment mentioned in the book of Revelation, there will be silence in heaven for half an hour. Later on, the blowing of trumpets by angels will signal the start of another set of progressive judgments. Please open your Bible...

July 25, 2024

In John’s vision in the book of Revelation, he saw Christians in tribulation dealing with great persecution. This book also tells us that Jesus, the Lamb of God, will wipe away all tears from their eyes. Please open your Bible to Revelation chapter seven, and listen...

July 24, 2024

The book of Revelation documents a vision that the Apostle Paul had in which he saw Jesus, the Lamb of God, in the midst of a vast crowd of angels and Christians, who had come out of the Great Tribulation. Please open your Bible to Revelation chapter seven, and listen...

July 23, 2024

In heaven, as we gather around God’s throne, everyone’s attention will be on Jesus. This teaches us that Jesus should be pre-eminent in our lives now. Our faith should be based on the simple words of Jesus: “Come to Me; learn of Me; abide in Me, and follow Me,”...