October 3, 2024

  Scripture is filled with instructions and commands from God. He is the ultimate source of all wisdom and knowledge. The book of James instructs us to ask God for wisdom, because He gives to all freely and liberally. Are you seeking God’s wisdom, or following...

October 2, 2024

After God judges the kingdom of Bablyon in the Tribulation, an angel will fly back and forth over the earth declaring that Babylon has fallen! Ultimately, every man-made structure and system will fail. The only thing that lasts forever is eternal life in Jesus. In...

September 20, 2024

It is done! With these words, we know that there will be an end to evil. The wrath of God will not last forever, and evil will not perpetually reign over the earth. To find out how God’s righteous power will ultimately prevail, please open your Bible to Revelation...

September 19, 2024

Throughout church history, Christians have longed for the return of the King—the second coming of Jesus. When you read Revelation, you see the horrible things to come. Does it make you long for your Savior to come? May we be ever longing to be with our King. Please...

September 18, 2024

As we resume our study of Revelation today, we will learn that a sixth angel will pour out a massive bowl upon the earth that will initiate three cataclysmic events. To find out what these events are, please open your Bible to Revelation chapter sixteen, and listen as...

September 17, 2024

During the Great Tribulation, we are told that many people will turn and worship the Beast, otherwise known as the Antichrist. In doing this, they will blaspheme God and shake their fists at the One that loves them most. They will have seen His power, but they still...