November 15, 2024

The Bible tells us of two types of forgiveness: God forgiving us and us forgiving others. It is God’s grace and faith in Jesus Christ that makes both types of forgiveness possible. Jesus is our example for forgiving others, and we must recognize that the Father...

November 14, 2024

We do not live out our Christian experience in a bubble; we are a family. Therefore, we must realize that a very important aspect of our Christian witness takes into consideration the impact that our personal convictions have others, both saved and unsaved. We want to...

November 13, 2024

Within the body of Christ, believers can have very different convictions about some things, and both sides can even use Scripture to defend their position! The sin about which Paul wrote in today’s passage is not about where you stand on any given issue, but about...

November 12, 2024

Actions speak louder than words. Listening to and understanding a sermon is not the same thing as putting its key elements into practice in one’s own life. Jesus likened hearing His word but not doing it, to building a house on sand. Forebearing one another in love...

November 11, 2024

Biblical Christianity is a relationship that is first and foremost vertical between us and God, and then secondarily horizontal among one another. Over the next several broadcasts our pastors from Koinonia Fellowship will be leading us through a series of divine...

November 8, 2024

The Word of God is faithful and true. Jesus actually called Himself The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Belief is the defining factor between those that follow Christ and those that don’t. Do you believe in Him? Do you trust Him? Please open your Bible to Revelation...