There is no “repentance-less” salvation. In the New Testament John the Baptizer’s ministry was one of repentance. This paved the way for a person to receive Jesus as Messiah, Savior, Lord. Biblical repentance and belief in Jesus go hand in hand. Repentance and belief in the gospel is what Jesus preached. Jesus calls sinners like us to repentance. Without true contrition for sin, man will perish.

In that glorious chapter in Luke’s gospel which gives three accounts of lost things found, we’re told that rejoicing takes place in heaven, amongst the angels, and even on earth when a sinner repents. Repentance is a turn from the active practice of sin – “go and sin no more” – to a personal faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ. How did Peter respond to the conviction cry in Acts 2? With the exhortation to repent. We must note that the very word repentance carries along with it the meaning “to turn” or “to change”. So, initial conviction and repentance is what it means to be converted and forgiven. The will of God is that all come to repentance with the corresponding fruit.

From the moment of new birth there begins a life long “operation” of change through the power of the Holy Spirit. There are no finished products of Christ upon earth; hence the process of repentance, which will be displayed with the fruits of repentance. The apostle Paul wrote of sins in Corinth that were in need of repentance. Remember “the goodness of God leads you to repentance”.

Check out the word repent in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, which were written to the churches. The Gospel isn’t “Accept and receive”, it is “Repent and believe”. Does your life reflect repentance?