Isaiah 26:8,9  Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee. With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early:

What precious passages of Scripture to begin the day The Lord has given unto us today. Particularly the phrase, “the desire of our soul is to thy name”. May that be found true in our souls this morning. May the deepest desire within us be a Godward one. Note that this eager pursuit of God begins early in the morning and lasts through the night. Waiting on God. Remembering God. This is no mere half hearted religion. This is the whole heart that is desiring, waiting, remembering, and seeking God.

May this day be such a day for both writer and reader alike. Looking upward to The Lord. Waiting continually upon The Lord. Meditating upon His glorious Name throughout the day. Every day contains its own challenges and tests. Thus, the need for the Divine Presence is vital. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) Humble yourself under His mighty hand. Wait on Him in everything and for everything. Selah