The Lordship of Jesus is established in the Scriptures. He was highly exalted following His obedience unto death, by which He tasted death for every man.
In that exalted position, we acknowledge Him as Master and Lord. Christianity is more than a creed or a system of religious rituals. It is a Shepherd-sheep, Husband-wife relationship with the risen, exalted Lord Jesus!
At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Note the word “should” in both previous verses. The implication is that not every knee will bow, nor every tongue confess His Lordship. Have you? Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, whether you bow to Him or not!
“Today if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts”. Allow His voice to quiet your anxious thoughts and still your troubled hearts. He is Lord, saints; the Master over every storm, our Advocate with the Father.
May we worship Him who lives forever!