The divine purpose of each body is to use their God-given talents to bless others and bring Him glory. I believe that we should keep that in mind as we “go to church”. It is so easy to fall into the rut of the familiar, isn’t it? When I look at the various sections of Scripture carved out to talk about the body of Christ, I see a divine imprint on every single part. The giftings, the graces and even the hurts are all there for our blessing and opportunities to serve one another and bring glory to God! I’ve heard it called “the supernaturally natural” manifestation of God working in and through His people. Just like every part of out human body has a function, seek to find your place in your church family.

The body of Christ is a living organism, with Jesus being the Head. This is a picture that God gives to us throughout the New Testament. Among the many lessons that could be written about what it means to be a body; one sure conclusion is drawn. There is no room for any Christian to think that he or she can walk with Christ alone. Yes, we each must bear our own responsibilities and burdens, but the fact of the matter is that God created the body to need one another. Just like our human body has many parts, so does the universal body of Christ that Jesus prayed for in John 17. And so does each local congregation, as we read about them in the epistles and Revelation 1 and 2.

Yes, there are general functions of every part, like prayer and giving of our first fruits unto God, but when we are all walking in our God given roles and places, something wonderful happens in our midst. We were not only redeemed for God’s glory, but to be a part of one another. No part of the body can say they do not need another part. Ask The Lord to use you and your giftings today according to His will and purpose. May the love and beauty of a Jesus flow in and through you today beloved. Romans 12: 1 Corinthians 12: Ephesians 4: John 17