When Jesus told the story about the good Samaritan in Luke 10, it is written that he took care of the beaten individual. What a beautiful demonstration of God’s love!

The follower of Jesus should be a caring person. Paul wrote that the Body of Christ should have the same care one for another. Many believers have fallen among thieves, been stripped of jobs or health, been wounded by our fellow man and left half-dead. It’s at those times that “good Samaritans” are needed. This good Samaritan was serving God while binding up the hurting person’s wounds. That road to Jericho was the way of opportunity for other travelers to ‘show their stuff,’ but only the Samaritan proved to have ‘the right stuff’ in God’s eyes.

The opportunity for demonstrating God’s compassion was not unique to the Samaritan of Jesus’ day, but is a common occurrence in all ages. And, no matter what the circumstances or the era of time involved, the Lord desires to see the Samaritan’s response repeated.

Too often the cares of the world choke out the cries for help that are all around us. Martha accused Jesus of not caring whether her sister Mary helped her in getting things prepared. The Master said that Mary’s priority was where Martha’s should be. Spending time with Jesus will produce the proper service.

Careless activity is not caring activity. Prayer is the place to cast your care. And as you experience God’s love and concern for you, the most natural response is a reciprocal love and concern for others. David at one time cried that “No one cares for my soul.” People both in and out of the church are looking for someone who cares.

Getting back to the story of the Samaritan, isn’t it interesting to read that the individuals who passed by the wounded traveler were religious – a priest and a Levite. (Do you think they left him with a tract with a synagogue address or phone number?) If you were this traveler, whose ‘religion’ or philosophy would you embrace out of the three? I’d pick the Samaritan because, even if he had the wrong facts, he had the right heart. He was moved with compassion. Does that sound familiar? See Matthew 9:36, 14:14, 15:32; and Psalms 86:15, 111:4b.

How we need to repent of any kind of ‘I don’t care’ attitude! Be that Samaritan to someone this week. No, we can’t and won’t change the whole world, nor will we solve everyone’s problems. However, if the love of God is expressed through us, we can be confident in prayer and see His hand move in an even greater way in our midst.

Don’t avoid those that are hurting. Pour the oil of God’s love into their lives in obedience to His will.