Feeding On The Word

For one whole year, Barnabas and Saul spent time with the saints in Antioch teaching them the Word of God. (Acts 11:22-26) To “feed sheep” is what Jesus commanded Peter to do. This same exhortation is what Peter was commanded to write by God the Holy Spirit. This is...

June 6, 2024

The promises of God are given to those who overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit. When we turn to Jesus, these promises become ours. Please open your Bible to the first verse of First John chapter five, and listen as Pastor Ray Viola completes his teaching on...

June 5, 2024

Scripture tells us that, he who overcomes and keeps the Word of God will inherit all things. God will be his Father, and He will call them His son or daughter. Several verses in Revelation contain the word overcomer. Please open your Bibles to the book of Revelation,...

June 4, 2024

Jesus came to earth to represent His Father and to be our rescuer from the wrath of God. If we have put our faith in Christ, then He will ultimately take us into the Kingdom of Heaven to live with Him forever. Have you put your faith in Jesus? Please open your Bible...

June 3. 2024

What does does it mean to be lukewarm? If someone is a lukewarm member of the church, are they unsaved, or do they just need to repent? Jesus addressed this issue in His short letter to the church at Laodicea. Please open your Bible to Revelation chapter three, verse...