November 28, 2024

What Christmas music do you listen to? Based on popular secular music, most people seem to think that Christmas is all about parties, snow, Rudolph, and Santa. The problem is that none of most popular songs have anything to do with the biblical reason for why Jesus...

November 27, 2024

Why did our Heavenly Father send His Son to earth? The short answer is this: He loves the people that He created. Please open your Bible to John chapter three, verse sixteen, and listen as Pastor Ray Viola discusses eleven aspects of God’s redeeming love.

November 26, 2024

Why did our Heavenly Father send His Son to earth? The short answer is this: He loves the people that He created. Please open your Bible to John chapter three, verse sixteen, and listen as Pastor Ray Viola discusses eleven aspects of God’s redeeming love.

November 25, 2024

The name Onesimus means profitable. However, when he ran away, Philemon might have been tempted to call him worthless. Fortunately, God’s grace transformed this worthless slave into someone that was indeed profitable, not only to Paul, but he would also become...

Defining Greatness

John 13:13-17 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I...