December 10, 2024

Overwhelmed by holiday preparations? We invite you pause for a moment to refocus on the true meaning and significance of Christmas. For the next two weeks, we will broadcast a series of messages entitled “All Hail, King Jesus”. Most of these studies will focus on...

True Love

The Song of Solomon is one of the books of the Bible that is often overlooked. Its pointed love theme nearly causes one to blush. Sadly, it may sound like “the way it used to be” with us. This, like all other Scripture, is God inspired for the same reasons any other...

December 9, 2024

Life can be overwhelming at times, but Scripture promises that God will give us perfect peace if our minds our stayed on Him, for the Lord GOD is everlasting strength. Therefore, look to Him; abide in Him, because peace or panic stem from whatever we look to or dwell...

Enduring Is Not Enjoying

Although we know that our faith in Christ is an objective, not a subjective feeling, we often find ourselves (or at least I do) mistaking our feelings as an indication of having inferior faith. There’s this little voice inside that conveys a message to my brain (a...