Our faith is expressed in both noun and verb form. In the noun form, it is what we call our “Statement of Faith”, or doctrinal beliefs. God wants us to have sound doctrine, for obvious reasons. However, in day-to-day living, it’s the “verb faith” that is needed. Noun faith is important, but apart from verb faith, which is action, it’s really dead. True faith, a viable faith, has substance to it and is visible.

As you read Hebrews 11, you see the ‘Hall of Faith’. In each case referenced, the person or persons under consideration responded to the word of God with no external or visible means of evidence that what they were promised would ever come to pass. All they had to go on was God’s word. Verse 13 testifies: These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

‘It is written’ was good enough for Jesus Christ. Is it good enough for you? We need to heed the warning in Hebrews about an evil heart of unbelief that simply refuses to trust and rely upon the Lord and, in the process of doubt, leans upon the flesh of man, which can only end in tragedy.

Jesus saw the faith of four men in Mark’s gospel. He saw the faith of the saints recorded in Hebrews 11. His loving eyes are looking for hearts of faith today! It ís faith that resists the devil and quenches his fiery darts. It’s your faith that is reaching out to the needy. It’s your faith that is trusting God to meet all of your needs. It’s your faith that keeps that old man buried and causes you to walk in newness of life. It’s your faith that knows you are forgiven when you confess your sins to the Lord.

Since it’s a sin not to live by faith, may Godís perfect love cast out those fears that attempt to have us live otherwise. May your faith shine today, more brightly than ever before!