As I sat with other brothers from our church family for prayer, my heart was warmly stirred with a sense of the presence of The Lord. I didn’t get any goose bumps or chills up and down my spine, just a sense of God’s presence and approval of what He was observing. Typical of any prayer meeting, everything from salvation to physical healing, to prayer for prodigals, to marriages and tomorrow’s church services and much much more were brought before God’s throne of grace and mercy.

Isn’t it a source of great comfort to know that we have a God Who loves and invites us to come into His presence boldly and reverently? Psalm 91.1,2 is the saints “911” in time of need. As we were pouring out our hearts to God, I was reminded of those golden vials, full or odors, which are the prayers of saints. In other words, rather than God being incensed by our continual coming before Him, He considers our prayers to be a sweet fragrance. I did not hear any great theological terminology being used. Neither did I hear any attempts to direct God or counsel Him on how to handle these delicate masters. I heard simple clay pots going before Abba and asking Him for the mercy and grace to help in time of need. I heard brokenness and contriteness.  I could sense the smile of The Father as His Son’s bride was praying and interceding for others.

Beloved, never take the gift of prayer for granted. Never allow the unchanging circumstances that you face cause you to stop praying. Jesus Himself taught us to keep asking, seeking and knocking. Please remember to bathe your church services in prayer today. Prayer is the means that God gives us to provide for our needs, according to His riches in glory. Life is fragile, handle with prayer. Be blessed in a The Lord this weekend beloved. Pray without ceasing. You never know what God will do!

Exodus 25.22: Hebrews 4.14-16; 5.9; Rev 5.8; Matt 7.7-11;1 Thess 5.17; Eph 3.20