The Scriptures are very clear that God is no respecter of persons. (2 Chronicles 19:7; Romans 2:11). Scripture is equally clear to tell us that God does indeed choose nations (Deuteronomy 7:6) and people (John 15:16) through whom He desires to do special work. Nevertheless, as Peter learned after the conversion of the Gentiles, God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).

As the body of Christ, how we need to guard our hearts against making rash judgments of character based on external things (1 Samuel 16.7; John 7:24). There is no room for a gender, economic, or racial caste system within the body of Christ (Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 6:5-9). May we learn from today’s study that favoritism and prejudice are very real issues that must be combated by prayer and a strong commitment to the teaching of God’s Word.

Scripture tells us that being a respecter of persons is flat out not good (Proverbs 24:23; 28:21). We are told in Psalm 145:9 that: “The LORD is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.” God makes His sun to shine upon the evil and the good (Matthew 5:45).

Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was the elect of God for the purpose of being the Lamb of God (John 1:29), through whom salvation would be proclaimed to the uttermost parts of the earth (Psalm 2:8; Acts 1:8). In spite of the fall in the Garden of Eden, every single human being bears the image of God (James 3:9). Joseph Parker once said, “He whose eye is filled with Christ never sees what kind of coat a man has on.” May the love of the Savior rip every bit of prejudice and favoritism out of our hearts.