Prayer is the most vital ingredient in the life of the church. It’s that fellowship with the Lord that each of us so desperately needs. Jesus spent time in prayer, sometimes all night, before making important decisions. At other times we find our Savior rising up a great while before daybreak to pray. We find Him both spontaneously addressing the Father with great joy and, before going to Calvary, deliberately spending time in Gethsemane in agonizing prayer. Jesus in each of these instances gives us an example of the need for prayer.

Is someone spitefully using you or persecuting you today? Pray for them. It’s important that we do not showcase our prayer life, or get into repetitive, heartless, vain repetitions. Never forget the One you are talking to.

Pentecost dawned on a prayer meeting, and this became part of the normal Christian life. If there is someone or some situation that could use a good shaking, try prayer. As a pastor, prayer is half of my two-fold priority.

The Holy Spirit is a great help in our prayer life, and like Jesus, steadfastness in prayer is vital to us. We each need that prayer support, both Divine and human. Prayer, which in its simplest form is communing with God, need never take a commercial break.

Nothing is too little or too great to take to the Lord in prayer because He doesn’t just want to be a part of your life; He wants to BE your life. Our prayers are heard and received; indeed, they are heaven’s incense. In fact, the last Biblical reference to prayer is found in Revelation 8:4, ascending up to God.

Oh, the gift of prayer! Take advantage of it. Expect things to happen as the result of prayer. As we prayerfully put the Lord in the equation of life ñ its problems, pains, decisions, or joys ñ we will find things much easier.