Christianity is not a religion of convenience by any means. And yet, as indicated in the Scriptures, human nature finds it so easy to excuse itself from doing the Lord’s work., I’m amazed at the excuses that keep people from regular Sunday services, mid-week studies, and weekly prayer meetings (not to mention the personal times of prayer, worship, and study) that they would never even consider as an excuse for a wedding, dinner date, baseball game, or their regular job.

Let’s face it, with our lips it is easy to honor God; but have our hearts drifted? Why do we find it so easy to justify lukewarmness when Scripturally it is a most frightening thing? To be lukewarm means to be half-hearted, to lack conviction, continuing in the form of religion but not flowing in the power of it. When we get to the place where we serve the Lord conveniently and not sacrificially and willingly, we’ve begun to backslide. The backslider in heart is filled with all his ways.

Do you make more excuses than commitments? Would you be ashamed if Jesus were to publicly expose a “six-month report” of your life – a spiritual report card based on personal prayer and Bible study, church and prayer meeting attendance, personal evangelism, stewardship of His money?

What kind of report card would your spouse give you? Your employer? Your children? Would you want your home church to be filled with people who would model your example of faith? I know I’m probing, and probing is painful, but don’t you think it grieves Jesus when a headache keeps you out of church but not out of work? Don’t you think the Holy Spirit is grieved when we disregard conviction for convenience?

Don’t be a “fair-weather” Christian. Being committed to doing His Father’s will wasn’t easy for Jesus either, but His obedience resulted in our salvation. However, our part isn’t completed yet. Be committed and put God’s will first. If fatigue doesn’t keep you out of work or away from the T.V., don’t expect the Lord to “understand” this excuse when you stand before His judgment seat. But rather, be like the apostle Paul, count the cost, and give your all for the gospel’s sake.