Ruth, A Message Of God’s Redeeming Love

This morning we begin a study in the Old Testament book of Ruth. This book has been called by some “The Romance of Redemption” because of the beautiful story about how Boaz became the kinsman redeemer of the Gentile woman Ruth (Ruth 4:8-10). This is one of those books...


One of the most wonderful themes in Scripture is the theme of redemption. The term “redeem” conveys the idea of deliverance or ransom. Biblical redemption has a cost, and Scripture declares that the price of man’s redemp- tion is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (1...


One of the most wonderful themes in Scripture is the theme of redemption. The term “redeem” conveys the idea of deliverance or ransom. Biblical redemption has a cost, and Scripture declares that the price of man’s redemption is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (1...

Our Plenteous Redeemer

Exodus 8.23 And I will put a division between my people and thy people: to morrow shall this sign be. Jehovah spoke those words to Pharaoh, ruler of Egypt. The Pharoah’s were considered to be gods incarnate. But Pharoah’s and every other person who thinks...

Carried On Eagles Wings

Exodus 19.4 You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. God uses the most beautiful language to describe how He redeems His people. Here, He tells the nation of Israel that He bore them on eagles’...