Hebrews 13.12-14 Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
It is clear from Scripture that Jesus Christ has redeemed us in order that we might be brought to The Father and joined to Him as our glorious bridegroom. The writer to the Hebrews is speaking to people who grew up being devoted to a religious system. There was no finer or more perfect religious system known to man than the Law of Moses. Yet, the Law of Moses was a only signpost that pointed to The Lord Jesus Christ. It was a shadow of which Jesus Christ is The Substance.
Here we read that the people of God are sanctified or set apart with the sinless atoning blood of Jesus Christ. But we also see that the place of this once and for all sacrifice for sin took place outside of the city walls of Jerusalem. This was a picture of how those who come to Christ do so, not through a system, but through the grace of God in Jesus Christ.
How critical it is for the people of God to become more Savior conscious than system conscious. Whenever people are system conscious, they will inevitably see that the only way to know Jesus is through their particular system, be it Catholicism or Protestantism or any other kind of “ism”. A “virgin” observation of Scripture makes no such claim. Through faith in Jesus Christ, all who repent and believe in Him become a part of His body. Thus, the real issue regarding salvation is not whether or not you are a member of this system or that system, but are you in Christ Jesus? When you are born again of The Spirit, you are a part of a body that has no “home” or headquarters here on earth. Our citizenship is in heaven. Our Savior is in heaven.
While there is a beauty in the different parts of the body of Christ, there is no one part that IS the body of Christ. The body is not only the eye or ear. Beloved, fix your eyes on Jesus today. He is your guide, your help, your Lord and Savior. Do not allow a “camp” mentality of Jesus cramp your picture of Jesus or divide His body. You are complete in Him!
Dear PRV,
One of the many problems with camps and “isms” is that ultimately they lead to schISMS. About 1000 years ago the “great schism” between Catholic and Orthodox churches took hold and broke the church up into east vs west factions. Even before that, the Coptic Church of Alexandria had its own ways, including its own “pope”, doctrines, and rituals.
Today, isms continue. They thrive even within the protestant church as xyzism’s, worship styles, bible translations, baptism rituals, homosexuality acceptance, political leanings, etc. etc. The list seems endless.
We are all different and resonate to different cultural and environmental elements. God had a purpose sending people of Babel in different directions. Unfortunately, more often than not, separation leads to isolationism and holier than thou judgment toward other believers.
Why all these barriers? Our DNA has been shown by many studies to be virtually identical (as it should be). Unfortunately earthly elements of our flesh and thoughts separate us much more than our common ancestry. Religious politics? Sadly, I have witnessed more vitriol between xxxism and yyyism brethren in the Lord than between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans.
I do not have a solution to this problem but HE does. He is the truth, the way, and the life. And His word is HIS truth.
“In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.”
Ephesians 1:13-14
If we truly follow our Savior Jesus we know that in the beginning was the Word and ultimately, the Word was God. Knowing Him today, as it was in the beginning, is through His Word. All of these divisions would not separate us if we followed the Word and not ourselves. Interpretations of the Word will be many since our brains process things differently. But… what do we most care about? Our brains or our Lord?
Believing in Him fills us with the Holy Spirit Who is He. We must listen to that still small voice and grant it control of our thoughts and actions.
Schisms are there but let not our hearts be troubled. We have been blessed with His Word. His Word brings the ultimate unity. That is where I want to camp.