“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31
Now you may be wondering, ‘How is marriage like cake?’ It is in the sense that when we have all the proper ingredients and follow the instructions carefully, the end result is wonderful.
There are numerous ingredients, and they are of equal importance. There is the ingredient of focus, meaning that both husband and wife must look first and foremost to the Lord (Psalm 121:1).
Flexibility is another element, which is necessary to make the life-long relationship enjoyable (Psalm 32:9). Faithfulness is an important part of the recipe (1 Cor 6:18). Likewise, forgiveness is indispensable to the mix (Eph 4:32). These are the components of a marriage ‘made in heaven’.
It is not enough just to know what the ingredients are, however. They must become verbs, actively mixed in the bowl of life, and baked at the right temperature in order to obtain the desired results. As husbands and wives allow the Holy Spirit to fill their lives, the overflow will be worship, thanksgiving, and submission to the One before whom they said, “I do”.
Amen, Pastor Ray!!
Beautiful analogy St. Ray!!