Acts 10.36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)

Oh how I love the declaration of Jesus Christ being Lord of all in this verse. Jesus Christ is Lord of all. What does Lord of all mean? Give me the liberty to express just a bit of what I believe that means for us as His followers.

  • I believe that means that as Lord of all, He is fully God and fully Man.
  • I believe that means that He is Lord over the time of my birth and Lord over the time of my death.
  • I believe that means that He is Lord over every single event and circumstance in our lives.
  • I believe that means that He is Lord over every crisis and challenge in our lives.
  • I believe that means that not a single thing “just happens” in our lives apart from His knowledge.
  • I believe that means that He is Lord over every single creature on earth.
  • I believe that means He is Lord over every good and bad angel.
  • I believe that means that He is Lord over both heaven and hell.
  • I believe that means that He is Lord over every Galaxy and solar system in His universe.
  • I believe that means that His is Lord and in control over every single political and military event taking place right now.
  • I believe that means that He is Lord and faithful to do whatever He said He would do.
  • I believe that means that He is Lord and both the author and object of every worship song written and sung.
  • I believe that means that He died on the cross and rose again to be Lord over both writer and reader of this devotional.
  • I believe as Lord of all and my Lord, I have peace with Almighty God through Him.
  • I believe that means that He is coming back to His earth to right every wrong and rule and reign as Lord over every tribe, tongue and nation.


What does Jesus being Lord of all mean to you?