The Name of God is not mentioned a single time in the book of Esther; but the invisible hand of a God is very much at work in her life on every single page. There is a tendency to think that if I am not experiencing an “in your face” encounter with The Lord, He must not be doing anything significant in my life. Precious child of God, nothing could be further from the truth.
The fact of the matter is that He that began a good work in you, is working right now, both to will and do of a His good pleasure. You may “feel” like He is at work, and you may in fact not like what He is doing. Nevertheless, The Father is working all things together for good, and for His glory.
We think that we want to know what is happening, but would you have wanted The Lord to give you a print out of the last 5 years of your life ahead of time? We walk by faith and not by sight. We rest in the fact that the God of providence is a good God, even when life is rugged. Yes dear saints, a God is providentially performing and perfecting things in your life. Phil 1.6;2.13; Psalm 57.2;138.8; Rom 8.28