One of the greatest needs in the body of Christ is Spirit-filled men who fear God. The Bible tells us that men are to love their wives as Christ loves His bride the church (Ephesians 5:25-29). The Bible also tells us that we are to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of The Lord (Ephesians 6:4). The biblical role of the Christian husband/father is modeled by The Lord Jesus Christ and God The Father (Psalm 103:13; Luke 11:11-13). So, whether we have had a good or bad example of what a Spirit filled husband or father looks like, we have no excuse for not being one.
Albeit imperfect, a married man is called to be a reflection of God The Father for his children and The Lord Jesus Christ for his wife. For such a calling, God provides a power from above (Acts 1:8). To be able to make wise and godly decisions that provide direction and correction for the family, God has provided His Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and the gift of prayer (Hebrews 4:14-16). Consistency is one of the keys to being a man that influences his wife and children for the things of God (John 8.31,32). You have probably noticed that being a husband and raising children is such a “daily thing.” Because it is such a daily thing, and the demands and needs of a family are so constant, too many men opt to “check out” and become negligent (1 Timothy 5:8); or they get so engrossed with their careers or other things that they become more like a guest or stranger in their own homes.
Thus if we desire to make an impact on our families, the greatest need for every husband and father is developing an intimate relationship and fellowship with Jesus Christ. The overflow of that relationship with Christ will be “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self- control.” (Galatians 5:22,23) Intimacy with Jesus and obedience to His Word will ultimately result in the spiritual and practical needs of the family being met. These are things that a paycheck cannot bring home. You see, being a godly father is something that can “happen” in a village in India as well as in a mega city like New York. It’s not about “keeping up with The Joneses”; it’s about building a home for the kingdom and glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Therefore, read, study and pray about the “blessed”s found in Scripture men (Psalm 112; Psalm 128; Proverbs 14:26,27). Being a godly husband and raising godly children is what being a real man is all about! Men, do not be weary in well doing, but keep your hand on the plow. Fear God and serve your family for the glory of God.