Not Ashamed

The Lord Jesus Christ warns us about the consequences of being ashamed of Him and His words. Couple that statement with the words of Jesus that the world hates Him, and that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil, and you have a sure recipe...

Born of The Spirit

Until a person is born of a the Spirit, he or she remains unconverted. That which is born of the flesh is flesh (human birth), and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (spiritual birth). While every human being bears the image of God by creation, none are His...

Faith in the Power of God

Corinth was a city that prided itself as being a center of eloquent orators. That was a typical notion of the Greek and Roman world of the time. Like Corinth, our day and age is captivated by mesmerizing orators and motivational speakers. The “mantra” of...

1 Corinthians 11: 2-16

The passages that we are looking into today have led some women to ask questions like, is God a sexist? Does God exalt men above women? Does the bible teach that God diminishes or demeans women? Why can’t we pray Mother God instead of Our Father? Is the bible...