The book of Colossians was penned to offset the heretical teaching that denied the deity of The Lord Jesus Christ and the gospel of grace, and replaced it with a man-based system of earning salvation by works and metaphysical exercises (2:8,20-22). That Jesus Christ is God is clearly revealed by the fact that He, as our Creator, is before all things (1:16,17). Jesus Christ is the eternal, uncreated Son of God, Who became flesh and dwelt amongst us (John 1:1,14) for a very specific purpose – to take away our sin (1 John 3:5; John 1:29) and destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).
How did Christ accomplish this task? By being nailed to that cross, He blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that were against us; and at the same time, He disarmed the powers of darkness that once held our lives in bondage (Colossians 2:14,15). The gospel we have is glorious (1 Timothy 1:11) because our Lord is glorious (Titus 2:13)! This plan of salvation was set in place before time began (Revelation 13:8), and this gospel is a revelation of the grace of God towards lost humanity (Ephesians 2:1-10).
Every single person by their human birth carries into this world a sin debt that separates them from relationship and fellowship with God (Psalm 51:5). Nothing that we can do can erase that sin debt. Our human efforts cannot pay this debt, for only the shedding of innocent blood can take away our sin (Hebrews 9:22). Scripture is very clear that there is no such thing as forgiveness of sin apart from a substitute sacrifice.
Communion is actually an extension, if you will, of the Jewish feast of Passover. Passover celebrated the deliverance of the nation of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt by faith in the blood of the lamb applied to the doorposts of the house with a hyssop bush. Jesus Christ has shed His innocent blood on the cross of Calvary to be the propitiation for our sins (Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2, 4:10). Jesus tasted death for every man (Hebrews 2:9). However, only those who have repented of their sin and trusted in Christ alone will be saved (Acts 2:38).
Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your heart (Hebrews 3:15- 19). Humble yourself before God and trust in Christ’s sacrifice as full provision for your sin, for whosoever believes in Him shall be saved (John 3:5-17).
it doesnt get any easier than that..!! ///