April 20, 2021

Good news ins only good for those that understand the bad news. We are incapable of saving ourselves, because we are sinners by nature and by choice. Everyone in that condition will be forever separated from God unless they repent and believe that Jesus’ perfect...

April 19, 2021

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. The proclamation that Jesus is the Christ and that God’s kingdom is near is the Gospel. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and His kingdom is not just a good idea, it is good news! Please open your Bible to...

April 16, 2021

In the wilderness, between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, Jesus, Who is God incarnate, faced off with Satan, who is the incarnation of evil, right after John had baptized Jesus. Satan did not question that Jesus was God’s Son. He did, however, try to usurp His dominion...

April 15, 2021

The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness by Satan proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the devil is not an imaginary being. He is the archenemy of God and anyone or anything that God deems sacred. Jesus resisted Satan’s temptations using God’s word. That should...

April14, 2021

Jesus was the eldest son of a large, poor family living in one of the least desirable districts in Israel. Therefore, He was well acquainted with the hardships of life. As our Savior and Friend, He can empathize with us when we come before Him in prayer. Therefore, we...