Dec.28, 2021

The king that was born in a manger and lived in relative obscurity until His death on a cross will one day return as the resurrected King of glory. Today’s passage describes the truimphal re-entry of Jesus Christ, Who is the King of kings and Lord or lords, to...


Until the day that the Lord takes His people home, He knows that Satan will be hurling darts of discouragement at them. That is why Jesus gave us His promise that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Christians today have His Holy Spirit dwelling in them, but even...


Emmanuel is a Strong and Mighty Tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. Emmanuel is hope to the hopeless and strength to the weak and weary. Emmanuel means “God is With Us”, because when Jesus was born of a virgin, God came down to live among mortal men and to...

Dec. 23,2021

The presence and promises of God are the basis of a Christian’s hope. It does not matter whether we are in a figurative lions’ den or facing giants like Goliath, we have an assurance that Jesus will always be with us. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead reminds us...


Hope should not be confused with wishful thinking wherein we hope our favorite team wins, or we hope that all will turn out well. Biblical hope is an absolute assurance that whatever God has promised will come to pass according to His timetable. Please listen as...