Feb. 14, 2022

Belshazzar was Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson. Though he was a pagan, God still held him accountable for not learning from his grandfather’s punishment for being proud. When Belshazzar used the sacred vessels taken from Jerusalem’s Temple to honor Babylonian idols, he...

Feb. 11, 2022

Whenever you hear the phrase handwriting on the wall, you know that whatever is written, whether it is good or bad, is about to happen. Today, we will see that that phrase originated in the Bible. Moreover, we will see that when God is the One doing the writing,...

Feb. 10, 2022

Nebuchadnezzar learned that the LORD God of Israel has sovereign control in the affairs of men. Today’s passage also reveals that God has provided a path that leads from pride and hell to God’s kingdom and eternal life. To get on that path to life, one must become...

Feb. 9, 2022

Scripture says that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men. Few truths of Scripture disturb control-freak sinners more than that one. Another such truth is that one must believe that salvation is only through Jesus Christ, and one must repent and walk worthy of Him...

Feb. 8, 2022

How would you answer this question: Who is in control of the affairs and events on planet earth, including your own life? Scripture tells us that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and He gives it to whomsoever He wills. Nebuchadnezzar had to go through a...