Don’t Quit!

Salvation is a gift from God that costs you nothing; but discipleship will cost you everything. Regeneration is that work of the Spirit of God that occurs in a moment. Discipleship is a moment by moment, day by day decision that takes a lifetime. Salvation is...

Redeemed to Worship

Our focus today turns from earth to heaven. Oh what a contrast we see at the end of the book of Revelation in the language of those on earth compared with those who are dwellers in heaven! While on earth there is weeping and wailing (Revelation 18:15,19), the saints...

The Coming King

Reader, I have news for you…The King of kings, Jesus Christ, is coming back to this earth one day (Revelation 19:11-16). The Jesus that I am speaking of is the very same Jesus who ascended up into heaven nearly 2,000 years ago (Acts 1:9-11). This event is one of the...

Filthy Rags or God’s Righteousness?

Man is by nature filled with pride and self righteousness. When you talk to the average person about going to heaven, the usual response is, “I am sure that I am going to heaven because I have never murdered anyone or…..” You know the rest of the story. But God sees...

The Former Things Are Passed Away

The Scripture declares that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5) You and I are presently living in the long night of the age of “former things” (Revelation 21:4). Tears, sorrow, crying, pain, and death are common to all of us....