March 28, 2025
In today’s study, we are going to see an amazing account of God providentially intervening in the life of the Apostle Paul. It was God’s will for Paul to testify in Rome, but forty Jews hatched a plot to kill Paul before he even left Jerusalem. However, we will see that God’s intervention thwarted their plans, and the Lord’s will and purposes for Paul prevailed. Please open your Bible to Acts chapter twenty-three, verse twelve, and listen as Pastor Ray Viola begins today’s study.
Previous shows…
March 28, 2025
In today’s study, we are going to see an amazing account of God providentially intervening in the life of the Apostle Paul. It was God’s will for Paul to testify in Rome, but forty Jews hatched a plot to kill Paul before he even left Jerusalem. However, we will see...
April 24, 2025
Today’s passage ends with one of the most read and loved stories in all of Scripture: the wedding of Ruth and Boaz. Coincidence? No! Providence. What we have before us in this short book is a lesson about God’s sovereign hand at work in the lives of Naomi, Ruth, and...
April 22, 2025
Scripture portrays Ruth and Boaz as paragons of virtue. Rather than pursue relationships with young men, Ruth, out of respect for Naomi and her deceased husband, offered herself to a much older relative. Boaz, though entitled by law, did not force himself upon Ruth,...
March 27, 2025
Paul wanted to live his life in a way in which his conscience would be clear with regard to God and man. He did this, because he was aware that he lived his life in God’s presence and in the presence of his fellow man. Therefore, there were no shades of gray in any...
March 26, 2025
Some Jewish brethren accused Paul of teaching all Jews that were among the Gentiles that they should forsake the law of Moses. To address this unfounded rumor, Jewish Christians in Jerusalem suggested that Paul take a vow with four other men, and purify himself with...
March 25, 2025
How should we determine the failure or success of a ministry or outreach? Paul shared the Gospel with the very same angry crowd of Jews who were out to kill him. Outwardly speaking, Paul’s effort was a disaster. But, in God’s eyes, it was a success, because He reckons...
March 24, 2025
There are going to be times in serving the Lord when others will attack you, judge you, or spread rumors about you, even though you are doing the right thing with the right heart for God’s glory. This did not stop Paul from fighting the good fight of faith. Do not...
March 21, 2025
When Paul arrived in Jerusalem, he presented the church with both a gift and a problem. He brought a gift for the financially struggling church in Jerusalem from the Gentile churches, but he also brought a problem because false rumors had been spread that he was...
March 20, 2025
Before he left, Paul warned the Church leaders at Ephesus of false teachers that would cause people to speak evil of the Gospel. They preach a doctrine of covetousness and merchandise that totally misrepresents the name of Jesus. They preach with the spirit of...
March 19, 2025
As Paul was preparing to leave his meeting with the Ephesian church leaders, he gave them an urgent, timeless message. He warned them that after he would leave, grievous wolves would come in after him and they would try to harm their congregations. They would speak...
March 18, 2025
Despite many warnings about his personal safety, Paul was determined to go to Jerusalem to finish what God had given him to do. Because he knew that it was God’s will for him to go, he went with joy, not fear or gloom. The heart of a true servant is most joyful when...
March 17, 2025
In the book of Acts, it is easy to focus on what Paul and the other apostles did. However, we should not miss the radical devotion to Jesus exhibited by the “laypeople” within the local churches. Whatever opposition the leaders faced, these saints had to face it long...
March 14, 2025
After a tumultuous farewell from Ephesus, Paul went to Macedonia. There he delivered many words of exhortation to the disciples, strengthening their faith and resolve. Besides fortifying the churches against challenges that they faced, he wanted to nurture their...
March 13, 2025
In the book of Acts, we have seen, and will continue to see, that the wind in the sails of the Church was, and still is, God’s Spirit. God’s Spirit anointed the preaching of the Gospel and led the Church to apply the various one another’s that we read about in the...
March 12, 2025
God employs individuals with diverse gifts to serve Him and to minister to one another. Only the Spirit of God can harmoniously bring together people from various backgrounds, enabling them to effectively share the Gospel and support each other’s spiritual growth....
March 11, 2025
After the Jews in Corinth rejected Paul’s message about Jesus, Paul then took the Gospel message to the Gentiles. Ironically, Paul stayed with a man named Justus whose house adjoined the local synagogue! Despite strong Jewish opposition, Paul remained in the city for...
March 10, 2025
When Paul went to Corinth, he met a married couple named Aquila and Priscilla. They had received Christ in Rome, and came to Corinth because Claudius had deported all Jews from Rome. Like Paul, they were tent makers, and they took Paul into their home. This...
March 7, 2025
Every question regarding the origin of life and why mankind exists ultimately leads to Jesus and His Gospel. Jesus’ bodily resurrection is the heart of God’s plan for history. It is only when God’s Spirit reveals to someone that Jesus Christ is both mankind’s Creator...
March 6, 2025
When the apostle Paul was in Athens, his spirit was grieved because he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. As he looked at the various temples and shrines, he came across an altar inscribed with the phrase: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Paul used this as a starting point in...
March 5, 2025
In this world we will suffer tribulation. Sorrow and sadness are all around us. However, when we choose the uplook of praise over the outlook of prisons, things change. We should purpose in our hearts to be people that sing God’s praises at midnight, in the morning,...
March 4, 2025
When Paul and Silas were in a maximum security prison for preaching the Gospel, they were unable to sleep after being brutally beaten. No doubt, they were bruised, bloody, and in chains. Nevertheless, they began to sing praises unto God in the middle of the night. As...
March 3, 2025
God has given Jesus a name that is above every name, and He has authority over all things, especially Satan and his army of demons. Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior? Call upon His name in times of darkness. Submit to God, and, if you resist the devil in His...
February 28, 2025
Demonic spirits are real, and they oppose the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Today’s passage describes how Paul dealt with demonic opposition. These demonic spirits are as active today as they were in the book of Acts, and believers still have power and...
March 25, 2025
How should we determine the failure or success of a ministry or outreach? Paul shared the Gospel with the very same angry crowd of Jews who were out to kill him. Outwardly speaking, Paul’s effort was a disaster. But, in God’s eyes, it was a success, because He reckons...
February 27, 2025
When God closes a door in your life, keep abiding in Him and serving Him in what you know to be His revealed, practical will, knowing this: in His time, He will providentially reveal His secret will to you. When He does, do not delay to obey Him! Please open your...
February 26, 2025
One of the most fascinating studies in the Bible is observing the mystery of divine providence at work in the lives of God’s people. Today’s passage shows that God’s people are guided in their lives by adhering to His will as revealed in His written word. But, it also...
February 25, 2025
Who’s slave are you? Who is your master? Jesus Christ came into this world to set sinners free from the debt of sin, the bondage of sin, and ultimately, the presence of sin. Repent and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master! Learn to walk with Him every day, and...
February 24, 2025
Being a servant of Jesus Christ is a life of freedom, not bondage. Jesus said that no person can serve two masters. Everyyone must serve somebody or something. If you are not serving Jesus, then you are serving something or someone else. Only Jesus sets you free from...
February 21, 2025
Signs and wonders do not save people. Despite miracles, many rejected the Gospel and persecuted those who preached it. The same is true today. Like Paul and Barnabas declared, we are people of like passions. Imperfect people like us are called upon to be witnesses of...
February 21, 2025
Signs and wonders do not save people. Despite miracles, many rejected the Gospel and persecuted those who preached it. The same is true today. Like Paul and Barnabas declared, we are people of like passions. Imperfect people like us are called upon to be witnesses of...
February 20, 2025
When evangelizing, one must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. His methods do not fit into our little how-to boxes: One size does not fit all! Though the essence of the Gospel message is always the same, God does not minister to everyone in just one way....
February 20, 2025
When evangelizing, one must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. His methods do not fit into our little how-to boxes: One size does not fit all! Though the essence of the Gospel message is always the same, God does not minister to everyone in just one way....
February 19, 2025
When Paul and Barnabas preached to the Gentiles, those ordained by God for eternal life had faith and were saved. By God’s sovereign will, these Gentile believers, chosen by God before the foundation of the world, decided to receive God’s gracious gift. The mechanics...
February 19, 2025
When Paul and Barnabas preached to the Gentiles, those ordained by God for eternal life had faith and were saved. By God’s sovereign will, these Gentile believers, chosen by God before the foundation of the world, decided to receive God’s gracious gift. The...
February 18, 2025
Because so many Jews rejected the Gospel, Paul and Barnabas reached out to the Gentiles. According to God’s amazing and sovereign plan, many Gentiles heard the Gospel and believed. Nevertheless, God says that if the house of Israel will repent, then He will also save...
February 18. 2025
Because so many Jews rejected the Gospel, Paul and Barnabas reached out to the Gentiles. According to God’s amazing and sovereign plan, many Gentiles heard the Gospel and believed. Nevertheless, God says that if the house of Israel will repent, then He will also save...
February 17, 2025
The most amazing feature of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that God loves us, even though we are sinners. By God’s grace, Jesus is still saving sinners, because He loves them, and, regardless of any miracles, man-made initiatives, or even opposition, this is how Jesus...
February 17, 2025
The most amazing feature of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that God loves us, even though we are sinners. By God’s grace, Jesus is still saving sinners, because He loves them, and, regardless of any miracles, man-made initiatives, or even opposition, this is how Jesus...
February 14, 2025
Today’s passage transitions focus from Peter’s ministry to that of the apostle Paul. Despite severe religious and political opposition, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was spreading. Opposition to the Gospel never hinders it from reaching the lost; it actually enhances its...
February 13, 2025
Though Herod persecuted the Church, by the end of today’s passage, God had showed Herod who was really in charge: An angel freed Peter from prison, and Herod died a gruesome death after accepting the people’s praise as a god. Ultimate victory and triumph over sin and...
February 12, 2025
Todays’ passage describes King Herod Agrippa persecuting the Church: He killed James and imprisoned Peter. However, before it was all over, God asserted His sovereign authority, and the word of God continued to grow and spread, despite the opposition. Though the...
February 11, 2025
Today’s passage shows that the Gentiles that believed the Gospel that Peter preached were saved and Spirit filled before they were baptized in water. This poses a huge problem for those who teach regeneration by water baptism. God saves people, because of what Jesus...
February 10, 2025
After witnessing the Gentile Pentecost, Peter realized and passionately proclaimed that God’s love is universal. That is, the Lord accepts anyone who honors Him and does His will, regardless of their religious background or nationality. Therefore, if you repent of...
February 7, 2025
To fulfill the Great Commission, God had to break down walls of prejudice and religious taboos. We will see how God worked behind the scenes to get the Gospel message beyond Jerusalem. Two men who, without Jesus, would have had nothing to do with one another, ended up...
February 6, 2025
Today’s passage concerns Peter preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a Roman centurion and his kinsman. Some call this account Gentile Pentecost, because, for the first time, God poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit on a group of Gentiles. Most of us listening to...
February 5, 2025
Jesus commissioned Peter to care for His sheep practically and spritually. This meant showing them love and compassion, and nourishing them with God’s word. Peter obeyed. We should follow his example. We may not understand why some people are healed and some are not,...
February 5, 2025
Jesus commissioned Peter to care for His sheep practically and spritually. This meant showing them love and compassion, and nourishing them with God’s word. Peter obeyed. We should follow his example. We may not understand why some people are healed and some are not,...
February 4, 2025
At this juncture in our study of the book of Acts, the narrative swings from Saul of Tarsus to the ministry of Peter. God used Peter to heal a paralyzed man and to raise a woman from the dead. Both miracles had a divine purpose: Many people turned to Jesus. However,...
February 3, 2025
After fleeing for his life from Damascus, Saul went to Jerusalem, but Jesus’ disciples were afraid of him. But Barnabas believed his testimony and trusted him. He brought Saul to the leaders of the Church. Only in eternity will we know how vital it was for Barnabas to...
January 31, 2025
A few years after Saul of Tarsus met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he began going into synagogues declaring that Jesus is the Son of God. It is essential for a person to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God to be saved from eternal separation from Him. Have...
January 30, 2025
For Philip to hear the angel and the Spirit, he had to have ears to hear, and he had to be listening. The same is true for us today. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice, but oftentimes we are not listening for Him because of worldly distractions. May God give us...
January 29, 2025
Today’s passage shows divine providence in operation. God is absolutely sovereign. He alone is God, and He providentially moves in the lives of people in different ways. In today’s example, God used an angel to tell Philip that he should leave the revival in Samaria...
January 28, 2025
Simon was a man, who once amazed people with his magic. After professing faith in Christ, he saw Peter and John imparting the power of the Holy Spirit to others by laying hands on them. Simon offered them money so that he could have this power, but Peter rebuked him...
January 27, 2025
In our journey through the book of Acts, we have come to the stage at which the Gospel started to reach beyond Jerusalem into theregions of Judea and Samaria, just like Jesus prophesied. Persecution against the Church in Jerusalem was the catalyst. As common folk of...
January 24, 2025
The apostles of the early Church faced persecution, because they obeyed Christ’s commission to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even today, those who live godly lives and take a stand for righteousness will also face persecution. It is inevitable. But know that...
January 23, 2025
Today’s passage provides a biblical example of when civil disobedience is appropriate in the sight of God. Ironically, the context of this display of civil disobedience does not concern the Roman government, but the religious Supreme Court of the Jewish nation, the...
January 22, 2025
God loves cheerful givers. In a time in which Christians were generously giving to meet the needs of others, a couple religious pretenders had a different agenda. Ananias and Sapphira are not names that young parents choose to name their sons or daughters. Why?...
January 21, 2025
The early Church exhibited a beautiful flow of unity. Filled with the Spirit, many, but not all, early Christians sacrificially loved and cared for one another. They functioned as a family, not as a business. They learned quickly that they could not follow Jesus...
January 20, 2025
After being threatened to stop preaching in the Name of Jesus, Peter and John, filled with the Holy Ghost, put their lives on the line in sharing about Jesus’ resurrection and His glorious Gospel: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name...
January 17, 2025
In our study today, the very same religious crowds who tried and crucified the Lord Jesus Christ were coming after the apostles Peter and John. The reason? They were grieved that they taught the people, and preached of the resurrection from the dead through Jesus. Yet...
January 16, 2025
What we see happening now in the nation of Israel is but a foretaste of the restitution or restoration of all things that God promised to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through His many prophets. God’s word is true. Be ready for Jesus’ soon return! Believe His...
January 15, 2025
Three words capture benefits of the redemption through Jesus Christ: repentance, refreshment, and restitution. The atoning work of Jesus opened the door of repentance to all. That redemption is the first fruit of the times of refreshing that comes from the Lord’s...
January 14, 2025
After Pentecost, God added to the church daily through the witness of Spirit-filled followers of Jesus. How did these brand-new Christians live? They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and in fellowship. They continued daily with one accord in the temple,...
January 13, 2025
When people hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there are only two responses. Believing and receiving the Gospel results in eternal salvation. Any other response is a rejection of the Gospel, and, until one repents of their sins and believes that Jesus is the risen...
January 10, 2025
Jesus Christ has risen. Our King is alive, and He will one day be seated on His earthly throne. Just as Scripture foretold Jesus’ resurrection, we also have a sure word of prophecy concerning many other events of the last days. Moreover, Jesus is still saving all...
January 9, 2025
In Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost, he explained that what the people were witnessing had been foretold by the prophet Joel. Joel also had much to say about the Day of the Lord. Therefore, the Day of Pentecost was the beginning of prophetic things to occur in...
January 8, 2025
On the day Pentecost, the Holy Ghost anointed the disciples with tongues of men to miraculously proclaim the wonderful works of God. While all Christians might not speak with the tongues described in first Corinthians, all born-again, Spirit-filled disciples are...
January 7, 2025
Today’s passage concerns the birth of the Church on the day of Pentecost. On the Feast of Firstfruits, a priest would wave a sheaf of grain before the Lord, but on Pentecost, he presented two leavened loaves of bread to Him. In the the Bible, leaven indicates the...
January 6, 2025
To replace the vacancy left by the death of Judas, the remaining apostles chose out two men that had been with them from Jesus’ baptism by John until His ascension. After casting lots, Matthias was numbered with the eleven. That is the last time in Scripture that we...
January 15, 2025
January 3, 2025
While waiting for the promised empowering of the Holy Spirit, the apostles and other disciples gathered in prayer for ten days. During this time, Peter told them that Scripture foretold that the vacancy left by Judas would be filled, and they took action to appoint a...
January 2, 2025
Spirit-filled saints of the early Church, personally and congregationally carried out their faith with a holy boldness that could not be stopped. Remarkably, a vast majority of them (including the apostles) were considered by the religious “elite” of the day as being...
January 1, 2025
Today's message begins a verse-by-verse study of the book of Acts, which describes the birth of the Church, and it also contains a historical account of its day-in, day-out operation. Moreover, the book of Acts tells us how the Lord spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ...
December 31, 2024
When Haggai wrote of the desire of all nations, he was prophesying about Jesus Christ. Whether people realize it or not, He is the ultimate desire of every human being. Sadly, Jesus is not the desire of this fallen world system or of those whom it has deceived, which...
December 30, 3024
When the people of God began to build the new Temple, they compared its modest size with Solomon's great and glorious Temple. They could not see how this new Temple could have any significance in comparison with the previous one, but God disagreed with their...
December 27, 2024
The prophet Haggai told the people of Israel, "Consider your ways," or, more literally, "Set your heart on your path." What motivates you to live the way you do? What brings you joy? What makes you cry? At that time, Jerusalem's Temple had been just a bare foundation...
December 26, 2024
Liberated captives laid the foundation for the Jewish Temple after returning from Babylon. Then local opposition caused the work to cease. Building the Temple was important, but the people were saying that it just wasn't the right time to rebuild. Similarly, people...
December 25, 2024
Until the day that the Lord takes His people home, He knows that Satan will be hurling darts of discouragement at them. That is why Jesus gave us His promise that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Christians today have His Holy Spirit dwelling in them, but even...
December 24, 2024
Emmanuel is a Strong and Mighty Tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. Emmanuel is hope to the hopeless and strength to the weak and weary. Emmanuel means “God is With Us”, because when Jesus was born of a virgin, God came down to live among mortal men and to...
December 23, 2024
At the conclusion of his first epistle to the saints at Corinth, Paul admonished those saints to be in love with Jesus. Why? He used one Greek word as the reason, “Maranatha,” which means our Lord is coming. Are you in love with Jesus? Please listen as Pastor Ray...
December 20, 2024
After more than a thousand years of prophets speaking to Israel of a coming Messiah and several hundred more years of prophetic silence, Jesus was born in Bethelem, as the prophets foretold. He went on to preach, prophesy, and die on a cross. After rising from the...
December 19, 2024
Because of what Jesus did on the cross, believers can have a personal relationship with the God and King of the universe. Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Law so that we would not have to. Therefore,we should not focus on vain religious rituals, but on getting...
December 18, 2024
Today’s passage looks ahead to the first New Year’s celebration of Christ’s millennial kingdom. The people of Israel will greet the beginning of that Golden Age with clapping, singing, and shouts of triumph. At that time, all nations will recognize God’s kingship, and...
December 17, 2024
Man, and all the powers of darkness, oppose what God plans to do on earth and in heaven. What effect does all this opposition have on God and His plans: absolutely nothing! Not only is God at perfect peace on His heavenly throne, He laughs at their vain effots to stop...
December 16, 2024
Today’s passage declares that, despite what the nations may say, the Father has set His Son Jesus Christ as King upon Mount Zion, which is His holy hill. He is a king, Whom we should cherish. A king, Whom we shoud adore. A king, Who is our Redeemer. Please open your...
December 13, 2024
Jesus is the King of Glory, and one day the redeemed will stand before Him in His eternal kingdom, not because we have resumes of good deeds, but because He has made us clean by His shed blood. Nevertheless, when Christ saves us, our hands do not do the things that...
December 12, 2024
Psalms twenty-two through twenty-four form a messianic triad in Scripture. Psalm twenty-two concerns Christ the Savior. Psalm twenty-three reveals Christ the Shepherd, and Psalm twenty-four describes the entrance of Christ, the Sovereign King, into the city of...
December 11, 2024
The holiday season can be a stressful and even depressing time for many people. However, the Father sent Jesus into this world so that everyone could experience true joy. One can only know true joy and peace by being reconciled unto God through faith in Jesus Christ....
December 10, 2024
Overwhelmed by holiday preparations? We invite you pause for a moment to refocus on the true meaning and significance of Christmas. For the next two weeks, we will broadcast a series of messages entitled “All Hail, King Jesus”. Most of these studies will focus on...
December 9, 2024
Life can be overwhelming at times, but Scripture promises that God will give us perfect peace if our minds our stayed on Him, for the Lord GOD is everlasting strength. Therefore, look to Him; abide in Him, because peace or panic stem from whatever we look to or dwell...
December 6, 2024
As we approach a new year, we must decide what it is that we are going to look at or look to in the days ahead. Our nation and the world around us is rapidly changing. All types of media bombard us with fear-mongering words and images, but men do not have the answer...
December 5, 2024
“Worthy is the Lamb!” is the declaration of heaven. The ultimate purpose and goal of the Father sending His Son Jesus Christ into this world is so that those who trust in Him as Lord and Savior would throughout all eternity declare, “Blessing, glory, wisdom,...
December 4, 2024
The purpose of every church and every child of God is to worship, pray, serve, and live for the glory of Jesus Christ. Today’s passage is a divine revelation and recognition of the slain Lamb Jesus Christ, Who takes away the sins of the world. Anyone that truly sees...
December 3, 2024
Both sin and the devil are bent on our destruction, and God sent Jesus to destroy both sin and the works of the devil on our behalf. Our Heavenly Father sent His Son, because we not only need to be forgiven and delivered from the debt of our sin, we also must be...
December 2, 2024
One of the most remarkable thoughts of the Christmas season is that Jesus Christ, Who is God and is also the Son of God was manifested to pay for our sins and to destroy the works of the devil. So, the redemption of fallen man is God’s plan, not man’s....
November 29, 2024
The Lord Jesus declared, “Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” Those words are the...
November 28, 2024
What Christmas music do you listen to? Based on popular secular music, most people seem to think that Christmas is all about parties, snow, Rudolph, and Santa. The problem is that none of most popular songs have anything to do with the biblical reason for why Jesus...
November 27, 2024
Why did our Heavenly Father send His Son to earth? The short answer is this: He loves the people that He created. Please open your Bible to John chapter three, verse sixteen, and listen as Pastor Ray Viola discusses eleven aspects of God’s redeeming love.
November 26, 2024
Why did our Heavenly Father send His Son to earth? The short answer is this: He loves the people that He created. Please open your Bible to John chapter three, verse sixteen, and listen as Pastor Ray Viola discusses eleven aspects of God’s redeeming love.