Scripture tells us that by Jesus and through Jesus all things in the universe were created. This defining attribute of deity gives Him authority over all created beings, which includes each and everyone of us. This also means that He knows us all better that we can even know ourselves, yet He still loves us deeply, and He died on a cross so that we might have fellowship with Him! Please open your Bible to Hebrew chapter one and listen as Pastor Ray Viola continues his discussion of verses one through three.
September 16, 2022
by Pastor Ray Viola | Sep 16, 2022 | Selah | 1 comment
Pastor Ray….I
Always read Sela article for the day you release early mornings. Of late I am developing the habit of doing 5 minute segments of the daily audio clip thought out the day. So,I am with you as you start in
Hebrews. Thanks Pastor for sharing. I attend at Webster Bible. Just to let you know. Thankful in Christ.