1 Corinthians 1.9 God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Father has designed that our fellowship with The Lord Jesus is to be a loving one. A love that is humble, gracious, fulfilling and fully submitted to Him. Beware of exchanging this heart relationship with Jesus into a philosophical, heady matter of discussion or debate. Following Jesus is not a matter of debate, but a source of great delight. Following Jesus is not a matter of academics in your head, or a particular genre of worship or philosophy of Christian living. Following with Jesus will result in the self sacrificing love of Christ flowing in and through your life to the glory of God.

Jesus made the following statements: Come unto Me. Learn of Me. Abide in Me. Follow Me. Look unto Me. No denomination or creed can franchise those statements. Jesus still is the all satisfying Fountain of living water. He still is The God of all comfort and grace. He is the calm for every storm. He still is the Physician for every hurt. Do not allow the “4th of July sparklers” of religious “isms”, trends, methodology or spiritual gurus tell you what it means to “really” follow Jesus. When “isms”, trends, methodology or spiritual gurus become the gauge of what it means to follow Jesus, mark it down. Jesus eventually becomes the background music to promote that particular “ism”, trend, method or guru.  Love Him. Adore Him. Worship Him. Serve Him. Proclaim Him. Grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him today. Live for His glory. Jesus has outlived every trendy religious phase for 2,000 years. Follow Him, beloved, follow Him.