Proverbs 17:3 “The fining pot [is] for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts.”

It is a new day. A gift from our marvelous Lord God. Let us understand that we do not live our lives in a vacuum or without purpose. We have been bought with a price and are called to live for the glory of God. But let us bear in mind that God does not merely look at what we say or do today outwardly. He is looking at the motives of our hearts. We learn from our Scripture today beloved that the heart of the matter is whatever is the motive of our hearts. Why am I doing what I am doing? Who am I doing this for? Yes beloved, God is looking at the motive and attitudes of our hearts.

Like the religious leaders in Jesus’ day, we can be doing godly thing like praying, giving and fasting with motives that are rooted in pride and the desire to be seen of men. God sees right through all of our self-exalting charades, dear ones. How foolish of me to think that my selfish or carnal motivation escapes the scrutiny of The Holy Spirit. Rather than making excuses for my sinful motivation, I go before The Lord and confess my need of His forgiveness and ask Him to align my heart with Christ honoring motives. What a difference it makes when we are doing what we do or saying what we say for an Audience of One!

Another test of our heart is seen in how we respond inwardly when others commend us for doing something well or right. Proverbs 27:21 “[As] the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so [is] a man to his praise.” Outwardly we sort of shrug our shoulders and say, well, yes, it is ALL The Lord. Inwardly we are saying, it’s about time you noticed! This problem of right or wrong motives exists because we are still dwelling in mortal bodies with unredeemed flesh that craves attention and is very much alive. Thus, the need to continually check in with The Lord for His grace and supply of The Spirit to act and speak in ways that bring glorify and honor to Him. As long as we are absent from The Lord physically, we will be battling with the matter of motives. Thus, it is good to pray the prayer of the Psalmist before we engage in anything, Psalms 26:2 “Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.” As a rule of thumb, if I am asking The Lord to examine my motive, I am in a good place. Auto-pilot Christianity is usually mechanical, and void of God glorifying motives.

God does not reveal this matter of the heart in Scripture to lay a guilt trip on us. He reveals this important truth to us to remind us that those who have been called by God are no longer living for themselves. Life is no longer about building our kingdom on earth. Life is no longer about being noticed. Life is no longer about stuff or fame. Life is all about living for Christ. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Motives of the heart. Today, the motives of our heart will be put on trial. 1 Peter 1:7 “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” Meditate on the last part of that verse. May what we do and say today be for the praise, honour and glory of our Glorious Lord Jesus. Selah.