This morning we will take a peek at the gifts of The Spirit in the body of Christ. The Corinthian church was a congregation that presented a lot of problems and challenges to the apostle Paul. Paul writes in his first letter to the Corinthians to correct errors of disorder and incorrect understanding of the purpose of these gifts. Lord willing, we will see these gifts in a fresh light, and with a deeper appreciation for not just the gifts themselves, but for The One Who has given us these gifts to build up the body, and bring glory to His holy Name.

Thanks be unto God for all of the wonderful gifts and callings that He gives to individuals in the local church. Just like our human bodies have many parts with different functions, God has gifted different people to perform different functions within the body. Likewise, God endows His people with supernatural abilities that provide direction, correction, faith to do incredible things, and gifts of healing for the body, soul and mind.

May The Spirit give us ears to hear what He has for us today in His Word.